Harga Gas Chromatography 2024 Update Terbaru

Harga Gas Chromatography – Halo labs, gimana kabar anda hari ini? Semoga sehat selalu ya! Artikel “Harga Gas Chromatography 2024 Update Terbaru” ini merupakan potongan artikel utama tentang instrument Gas Chromatography. Penulis menyarankan pembaca untuk membaca artikel alat Gas Chromatography jika ingin mempelajar instrument ini, dengan cara membaca artikel versi lengkap pada link berikut : Gas Chromatography. Untuk para pembaca yang lebih ahli atau sering menggunakan alat ini, tolong bantu saran di kolom komentar ya.


Harga Gas Chromatography GC GC-MS, GC-MSMS
Harga GC (Gas Chromatography)

Harga Gas Chromatography

Merupakan hal yang penting jika anda ingin mengetahui harga gas chromatography karena ingin membeli alat gas chromatography. Berapa harga gas chromatorgraphy saat ini? Mungkin itu yang sedang ada dipikiran anda saat ini. Maka penulis sampaikan, harga alat gas chromatography tergantung pada merk, spesifikasi dan layanan purna jual. Salah satu merk alat gas chromatography yang memiliki kualitas baik dan hasil yang akurat adalah Expec Technology.

Masuk ke pembahasan tentang harga gas chromatography. Harga gas chromatography mungkin saja naik ataupun turun sesuai dengan perkembangan waktu. Adapun kisaran harga gas chromatograpy (GC) berada di kisaran 500 jutaan. Sedangkan kisaran harga gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) berada di kisaran 1,7 miliar. Harga ini tentu memiliki syarat dan ketentuan. Misal, harga tersebut sudah termasuk PC dan UPS, ongkos kirim, training penggunaan awal, garansi dan maintenance. Pastikan anda mendapat penawaran harga gas chromatography yang paling kompetitif.

Memilih Gas Chromatography

Lalu bagaimana dengan spesifikasi instrument yang satu ini? Mana yang paling cocok untuk anda? Ternyata, perlu anda ketahui alat gas chromatography ini memiliki tiga jenis, yakni GC, GC-MS dan GC MS/MS. Ada beberapa detektor yang perlu anda ketahui, terlebih untuk pengecekan sample anda. Beberapa detektor yang sering digunakan pada instrument ini adalah:

  • Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
  • Electron Capture Detector (ECD)
  • Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)
  • Mass Selective Detector (MS)
  • Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (MS/MS)
  • Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

Nah, mulai bingung kan? Supaya anda tidak bingung, penulis berikan contact dimana anda bisa diskusi dengan product specialist via WhatsApp : +6287777277740 atau Telepon (0251) 7504679. Link produk kami sertakan disini : Jual Gas Chromatography

Oke, kita lanjutkan ke spesifikasi alat gas chromatography. Semoga dengan mengetahui spesifikasi ini, anda jadi memiliki gambaran bagaimana spesifikasi yang sesuai untuk kebutuhan laboratorium anda.

Features GC 2000 Gas Chromatography

  • Ultra-stable liquid injection port
  • Ultra-high-precision electronic pressure controller (EPC)
  • World-class column oven
  • User-friendly workstation software
  • Excellent human-computer interaction experience
  • Supporting multiple detector options (up to four at the same time)

Overview GC 2000 Gas Chromatography

A trustworthy partner

The new-generation GC 2000 gas chromatograph is benchmarked against international leading brands, and the instrument adopts advanced electronic flow control, microfluidic plate control, high-precision independent temperature control and other technologies to meet the user’s requirements for strong analytical capabilities and reliable stability.

A smart application expert near you

The new-generation GC 2000 has intelligent functions such as self-diagnosis, self-leak detection, self-saving of carrier gas, automatic reminders, etc., which help you easily grasp the instrument status and solve problems quickly. It can be matched with various pretreatment equipment such as solid phase microextraction, headspace, liquid sampler, etc. to meet your needs for more application expansion.

Ultra-stable liquid injection port

  • Fully electronic flow control is adopted with a selfdiagnostic function and no need for manual soap leak detection, reducing the risk of system contamination
  • Optional injection ports with permanent ultra-deactivated surface treatment are available, which makes it easy for users to deal with the detection of strong adsorption and corrosive samples.

Ultra-high-precision electronic pressure controller (EPC)

  • The EPC core is made of the ruby material, and the excellent pressure control performance is consistent all day long.
  • The pressure control accuracy of the EPC can reach 0.001 psi.

World-class column oven

  • Supporting up to 32-stage/33-platform temperature programs, and adapted to the most complex analysis methods
  • Rapid equilibration of column temperature for minimal waiting time between analyses

User-friendly workstation software

  • The core adopts the Chinese language and is specially defined for Chinese users.
  • The batch function can automatically perform statistical analysis on the sample data and draw sample trend charts.
  • The workstation software inherits the classic operation interface, and the users do not need to change their usage habits.

Excellent human-computer interaction experience

  • The Human – computer interaction APP is based on Android intelligent operating system, the interface is in Chinese, skeumorphic graphicUI designnis incorporated, and the monitoring content is clear at a glance.
  • The 8- inch color screen display is ultra-large, the resolution is 1280*720 (RGB), and the capacitive screen provides full touch operation.

Supporting multiple detector options (up to four at the same time)

  • Flame Ionization Detector (FID)
  • Electron Capture Detector (ECD)
  • Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)
  • Mass Selective Detector (MS)
  • Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (MS/MS)
  • Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD)

Actual Application Example GC 2000

Environment and Health

  • NMTH analysis solutions : According to the HJ 604 and HJ 38 standards of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, a unique built-in self-priming sampling system, dual-channel single-FID detection, and post-run automatic reverse pipeline cleaning are adopted for the instrument, which is suitable for the determination of NMTHs in ambient air and waste gas from stationary pollution sources.
  • VOC analysis solutions : According to HJ 759 of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and related standards, 116 volatile organic compounds in the ambient air are determined using the atmospheric pre-concentration system for injection, double columns and heart cutting, and FID and MS dual channels for detection. This solution can achieve perfect cutting of low carbon components without oven cooling.

Food safety

  • Multi-residue analysis solutions for pesticides in vegetables and fruits : According to NY/T761 of the Ministry of Agriculture and related standards, the dual-tower liquid autosampler is used for sample injection, and FPD and ECD dual-column dual-channel detection is used to determine the multiple residue s of organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in vegetables and fruits, which is an efficient solution to truly realize multiple purposes with a single instrument.
  • Multiple pesticide residue analysis solutions for food : According to GB 23200.113, a triple quadrupole tandem mass spectrometer is used to analyze 208 pesticide residues and their
    metabolites in plant-derived foods. Ultra-deactivated flow paths, especially injection ports with ultra-deactivated surface treatment, keep chromatographic peaks of highly active organophosphorus pesticides still sharp and sensitive, and greatly reduce matrix effects of samples.

Specification Gas Chromatography GC 2000

Chromatographic performance

  • Retention time repeatability < 0.008%
  • Peak area repeatability < 0.5%

System performance

  • Supporting simultaneous installation: Two injection ports; Four detectors; Three detector signals.
  • Electronic digitized data output of the advanced detector, enabling quantitative analysis of peaks over the full range of the detector in a single injection
  • Electronic flow control for all injection ports, detectors, and auxiliary gas flow circuits
  • Possible for up to 6 electronic flow control modules to be Installed, to provide control over up to 18 gas circuits.
  • Accuracy of pressure setpoint and control approaching 0.001 psi, providing more accurate retention time for low pressure analyses.
  • Electronic flow controller for capillary columns with five column flow control modes: Constant pressure, pulse, and programmed pressure rise and flow increase to the fourth order; possible to calculates the average linear velocity of the column.
  • Standardized pressure and temperature compensation to keep test results remain unchanged even when the laboratory environment changes.
  • Possible for users to automate leak checks before each run, or run the check function at any time during maintenance or diagnostics. Users are alerted when a leak is detected so that immediate action can be taken to correct and reduce system downtime.

Color touch screen interface

  • 8-inch high-resolution full-color capacitive touch screen, with the resolution at 1280 (RGB) *720, color depth at 16.7M, and pixel pitch (mm) at 0.138*0.138.
  • Customized host control software based on the Android system, with the graphical interface, full touch for operation, the UI also graphical, in combination with intelligent functions such as self-diagnosis reminder, self-leakage detection, etc., reducing the difficulty of use and maintenance, and for easily grasping of the status of the instrument.

Column oven

  • Specification: 28x31x16 cm, possible to hold up to 3 capillary columns.
  • Temperature range applicable to all columns and their separation requirements. Room temperature+4°C to 450°C
  • Temperature setting accuracy: ≤0.1°C.
  • Maximum heating rate: ≥ 120°C/min.
  • Supporting 32 oven heating gradients, 33 constant temperature platforms, and possible to realize programmed temperature rise and programmed temperature rise.
  • Maximum running time: 999.99 min.
  • Oven cooling rate: 6 minutes from 450°C to 50°C, at a room temperature of 20°C.
  • Ambient temperature sensitivity: 1°C change in ambient temperature, change in column oven average temperature < 0.01°C.

Electronic gas circuit control

  • Standardized pressure and temperature compensation functions.
  • Electronic pressure control with ruby damping, with pressure control accuracy at ± 0.001 psi.
  • Pressure units are available in psi, kPa, bar.
  • Programed pressure rise/flow rise: Up to forth order.
  • Supported carrier and makeup gas types: N₂, He, H₂.
  • Stability of carrier gas flow rate: Less than 1%/10 min.

Injection port

  • Supports installation of up to two injection ports.
  • Fully electronic gas circuit control, supporting pressure compensation and temperature compensation.
  • Injection port type: Standard split/splitless injection port, ultra- deactivated split/splitless injection port.
  • Compatible with all capillary columns (inner diameter:0.1 mm-0.53 mm).
  • Split ratio up to 12500:1 to avoid column overload.
  • Supporting, split, splitless, pulse split, pulse splitless injection and other injection modes.
  • Maximum operating temperature: 450°C.
  • Temperature setting accuracy: ≤0.1°C.
  • Carrier gas saving mode, making it possible to reduce gas consumption without compromising chromatographic separation effects.
  • Electronic septum purge flow control to effectively eliminate chromatographic ghost peaks.
  • Flow control range 0-500 mL/min (N₂), 0-1000 mL/min (H₂ or He).
  • Injection port supporting ultra-deactivated processing, eliminating active sites on surface and improving detection sensitivity, peak shape and reproducibility of active substances.


  • Supporting installation of up to four detectors.
  • All detectors supporting electronic gas circuit control and electronic switch control, as well as pressure compensation and temperature compensation.

Flame lonization Detector (FID)

  • Minimum detection limit: <5.0×10 g C/s.
  • Linear dynamic range: 10.
  • Baseline noise: <1x10A.
  • Baseline drift: <1x102A within 30 min.
  • Signal acquisition frequency: 10 Hz, 20 Hz, 50 Hz, 100 Hz, and 200 Hz available.
  • Auto ignition and flameout protection.
  • Hydrogen leak protection function.
  • Maximum operating temperature: 450°C.

Electron Capture Detector (ECD)

  • Minimum detection limit: <3.8x10g/mL.
  • Linear range: 10.
  • Baseline noise: <0.02 mV.
  • Baseline drift: <0.05 mV within 30 min.
  • Data acquisition rate: 10Hz, 20Hz, 50Hz, 100Hz, and 200Hz available. Radioactive source: ẞ ray from 63Ni (≤10 mCi).
  • Maximum operating temperature: 350°C.

Flame Photometric Detector (FPD)

  • Single wavelength flame photometric detector, with high selectivity and sensitivity for sulfur or phosphorous compounds.
  • Minimum detection limit: <9×10g/s (P); <5×10″g/s (S)
  • Linear range: 210 (P); ≥10 (S)
  • Baseline noise: <2×10 A.
  • Baseline drift: 10 A within 30 min.
  • Maximum operating temperature: 350°C.

Auxiliary electronic flow circuit control

  • Two positions on the rear of the GC of the GC 2000 for the auxiliary electronic flow circuit control modules.

Environmental conditions

  • Operating ambient temperature: 5°C-35°C.
  • Operating ambient humidity: 5%-95%.
  • Limit temperatures for storage: -40°C to 70°C.
  • Power supply requirements: Voltage: AC 220 (±10%) V; Frequency: 50 (±10%) Hz.

Safety and Regulatory certifications

  • GB 4793.1-2007 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use Part 1: General requirements.
  • GB/T 15479-1995 Technical requirements and test methods of insulation resistance and insulating strength for use in industrial process measurement and control instruments.

Other specifications

  • Height: 486 mm.
  • Width: 556.4 mm.
  • Thickness: 558 mm.
  • Weight: 38.1 kg.
  • Supporting up to 8 valves.
  • Independent heating zone, 4 heating zones in total with the column oven excluded.

Bagaimana dengan spesifikasi alat gas chromatography tersebut?

Bagi beberapa orang yang belum terbiasa dengan instrument Gas Chromatography atau teknisi laboratorium, mungkin akan kebingunan dengan hal tersebut. Beberapa link spesifikasi instrument gas chromatography lainnya, saya sertakan pada link berikut :

Link brand tersebut kami sertakan pada link berikut : Expec Technology

Semoga pembahasan mengenai harga gas chromatography ini bisa memberikan informasi kepada anda terkait kisaran harga gas chromatography yang paling cocok untuk anda. Jika anda memiliki kebutuhan alat instrument gas chromatography, silahkan hubungi PT. Andaru Persada Mandiri sebagai distributor alat laboratorium. Anda bisa menghubungi kami via WhatsApp : +6287777277740 atau Telepon (0251) 7504679 ke office kami. Link alamat kami sertakan pada googlemaps. Sekian dan tentu saja terima kasih.


  1. Penjelasan yang mudah dipahami, cocok untuk mahasiswa seperti saya yang baru memulai eksplorasi di dunia laboratorium.

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