Smart Mini

Compact new design for small volume ultra-pure water usageparameter is uncontrolled

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The Smart N-II system is a compact solution that combines the production of pure water and ultrapure water in a single unit — eliminating the need for a pretreatment stage upstream of the ultrapure water system.

Smart NE system is a water purification system, integrating electrodeionizaitontechnology to product ultrapure water. EDI technology brings benefit including low energy consumption, lower maintenance cost, better ion exchange and no particulates or organic contamination.

The model Easy is all-in-one system to produce Type I,II and III pure water. It is specially designed for users whose pure water applications are wide but also concern cost effective aspect

Compact new design for small volume ultra-pure water usageparameter is uncontrolled

Ultrapure water from purified water. The purified water quality required as feed water.

The Smart N system is a compact solution that combines the production of pure water and ultra-pure water in a single unit- eliminating the need for a pre-treatment stage upstream of the ultra-pure water system

A comprehensive and optimized sequence of water purification and monitoring technologies allows the combined system to produce both pure(Type 2) and ultra-pure water from tap. 

The Smart Plus P system has been designed especially for you. Using an existing source of pure water as feed,the Smart Plus P system delivers high-quality ultra-pure water (resistivity value: 18.2MΩ.cm @ 25℃,≤5ppb),providing an ultra-pure water solution adapted to today’s laboratory environments.

The industry’s most complete water purification solution for highly regulated applications.

When your application requires the ultimate in water purity, Smart Plus provides the perfect solution. Consistently delivering water purity of 18.2MΩ.cm and underpinned by the advanced technologies, the Smart Plus enables you to focus on attaining accurate results while ensuring an uninterrupted work flow.

Complementary water purification techniques, including state-of-the-art electrodeionization technology,ensuring delivery of constant and reliable quality Type 2 pure water

Smart ROP series produce high quality pure water with superior resistivity and low TOC (<30ppb). Output water can be stored in anti-contamination water tank, and is an ideal solution for routine laboratory application.

Provides 15 or 30 liters/hr of purified water at a price that is comparable to compliant purified bottled water without the hassle of continual ordering and storage. 

Typical applications 
– Feed for laboratory water purification
– General chemistry
– Laboratory washing machine
– Feed for autoclave and climate chamber
– Buffer preparation

Smart ROB system can produce CAP/CLSI Type I reagent water for clinical analyzer.It enables direct connection and operation online. Independent manual control water outlet can be used for additional applications.

Heal Force has developed Pureforce ROE model, specially for high demanding water solution in laboratories. Incorporating with electrodeionization module, Pureforce ROE can continuously supply type II purified water.

Pureforce ROE sets the standards in quality, design and innovation that comes from a heritage of many years of experience in centralized distribution of laboratory water.
Pureforce ROE offers high quality feed water for multiple automatic biochemical analyzers simultaneously through loop distribution

Cost-effectively provides 50,100,150 liters/hr of compliant purified water. The SMART 50/100/150 ensures a continual supply of purified water for installations such as single washer disinfectors and endoscope reprocessors.

Pureforce RO 150/300/500 systems cost-effectively provide high quality feed water at rates of 150 to 500 liters/hr to large or multiple automated endoscope reprocessors and washer disinfector installations

Pureforce ROA 150/300/500 is capable of providing water to practically every animal in the vivarium. Whether you have mice, rats,dogs, guinea pigs, non-human primates, hogs, birds, cats, or rabbits, we have tailored solutions to suit the species.

Cost-effectively provides 50,100,150 liters/hr of compliant purified water. The ROA 50/100/150 ensures a continual supply of purified water for pratically every animal in the vivarium

The Genemate T960 Touch cycler is the flagship of Heal Force thermal cycling platform, offering unmatched performance for fast, accurate results and art interface with new ways to optimize protocols and meet any researcher’s unique needs.

Thermal Cycler B960

Reliable guarantee for the accuracy of the temperature. Temperature extended control mode which is closer to required experiment temperature control and is able to effectively avoid the system error caused by the disaccord of the temperature points among the instrument’s display temperature, actual block temperature and the temperature required for reagents. 

The most advanced semiconductor technology (Peltier based)
No matter how you configure your K960 gradient thermal cycler system, it provides the high-end performance you need, easily adapts to meet your lab’s changing PCR needs, and helps you stay within your budget. Designed for trouble-free, long-life operation even in the most rigorous environments, the K960 delivers outstanding reproducibility – well-to-well, sample-to-sample, and instrument-to-instrument.

Do not let poor instruments compromise your PCR results. Take control of your experiments. Heal Force KF960 thermal cycling system gives you the power to do the experiments you want to do, the way you want to do them. All that experience – millions of reactions a day – adds up to confidence, whether you are doing a few samples, or a few thousand. KF960 supports your constant strive for exceptional uniformity and meaningful results.

The K640 thermal cycler combines industry- standard technology from 960 series- but in a more compact package and at a lower price.

It is small- sized andeasy to program with an intuitive user interface.

HF100 is a multi-gas incubator, with oxygen control function. Elegant design, Smart choice for all cell culture applications

HF90 is an air jacketed, direct heat CO2 incubator, with 90 ℃ moist heat decontamination system. Outstanding performance, exceptional ease of use, effortless cleaning and maintenance.

HF 240 (240 liters interior capacity) is a direct heat, air jacketed CO2 incubator, with 90℃ moist heat decontamination system.

HF151UV is an air jacketed, direct heat CO2 incubator, with UV decontamination system. Economical option for clinical, microbiological, and research applications.

HF212UV is an air jacketed, direct heat CO2 incubator, with UV decontamination system. Economical option for clinical, microbiological, and research applications.

HF160W is a water jacketed CO2 incubator, with HEPA filtration system. Unmatched temperature stability and uniformity with water jacked technology.

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