Dibawah ini adalah informasi produk dari Viscometer B-One Plus. Untuk diskusi produk bisa menghubungi kontak distributor alat laboratorium PT. Andaru Persada Mandiri via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679.
Intuitive and powerful, the new B-ONE PLUS will surprise you with its extended measuring range in LR version or with its optional temperature sensor
Features and Benefits Viscometer B-One Plus
- Direct measure with time to stop
- User and locked mode
- Data recording and USB transfer
- Torque gage on display
- External temperature probe (option)
- Display of viscosity limits according to mobile and speed
- Speed or shear rate control
Baca juga: Promo Alat Laboratorium
What’s Included With Device Viscometer B-One Plus ?
- 4 Spindles LV or 6 spindles RV (p75) or Krebs spindle KU 1-10 (p77)
- 1 Standard stand or rack stand (p68)
- 1 Touch screen stylus
- 1 User manual
- 1 Calibration and checking certificate
- 1 Microfiber cloth
Available Instruments Viscometer B-One Plus
Reference | Designation | Viscosity range (mPa.s) |
N600000 | B-ONE PLUS VISCOMETER WITH SPINDLES RV-2 TO RV-7 (with standard stand) | 200 to 240M |
N600200 | B-ONE PLUS VISCOMETER WITH SPINDLE KU 1-10 (with standard stand) | 40 to 140KU |
N600009 | B-ONE PLUS VISCOMETER WITH SPINDLES RV-2 TO RV-7 (with rack stand) | 200 to 240M |
N600300 | B-ONE PLUS LR VISCOMETER WITH SPINDLES LV-1 TO LV-4 (with standard stand) | 15(1*) to 22M |
N600309 | B-ONE PLUS LR VISCOMETER WITH SPINDLES LV-1 TO LV-4 (with rack stand) | 15(1*) to 22M |
Specifications Viscometer B-One Plus
Type of instrument
Rotating springless viscometer with 7’’ Touch screen
Rotation speeds
Unlimited number of speeds between 0.3 and 250 rpm
Torque range
- Standard Version: 0.05 to 13 mNm
- LR version: 0.005 to 0.8 mNm
+/- 1 % of the full scale
+/- 0,2 %
- Viscosity (cP/Poises or mPa.s / Pa.s)
- Speed – Shear rate – Torque – %- Shear stress – Time – Temperature (in option)
ASTM : D115 ; D789 ; D1076 ; D1084 ; D1337 ; D1338 ; D1417; D1439 ; D1824 ; D2196 ; D2243 ; D2364 ; D2556 ; D3288 ; D3468 ; D3716 ; D3730 ; D3794 ; D4016 ; D4143 ; D4878 ; D4889 ; D5324 ; D5400 ; D6279 ; D6577 ; D7394 ; D8020 ; E2975 ; F1607 ; BS 5350 ; DIN 2555 ; 3219 ; 52007-1 ; 53019-1; 54453 ; EN 302-7 ; 2555 ; 3219 ; 10301 ; 12092 ; 12802 ; 15425 ; 15564 ; ISO 1652 ; 2555 ; 2884-2 ; 3219 ; 10364-12
Supply voltage
90-240 VAC 50/60 Hz
USB port
Dimensions and weight
- Head: D180 x H230 x W130 mm
- Aluminium stand: L280 x W200 x H30 mm
- Stainless steel rod: Length 500 mm
- Weight: 6.7 kg
Compatibles Measuring System Viscometer B-One Plus
MS-RV (p75), MS-LV (p75), MS-BV (p76), MS-VANES (p77), MS-KREBS (p77), MS-SV (79), MS-ULV (78), MS-DIN (p72).
Compatibles Temperature Controls Viscometer B-One Plus
EVA LR (p60), EVA MS DIN (p58), RT-1 PLUS (p61)
Options & Accessories Viscometer B-One Plus
- Carrying case (p68)
- External temperature probe -50°C to +300°C (p69)
- HELIPRO stand (p66)
- Barcode reader with stand and cable (p68)
- Bayonet spindle rack (p69)
- Touch screen protector (p68)
- Viscosity standards oil (p69)
- Small volume package (p67)
- THERMOCELL package (p61)
Sumber informasi produk didapat dari website principle langsung pada tautan berikut : lamyrheology
Demikian informasi produk Viscometer B-One Plus. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan diskusi cepat produk ini bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Persada Mandiri via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679. Link alamat kami sertakan pada Google Maps.