RT PCR DTLite DNA Technology

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Gambar Produk RT PCR DTLite DNA Technology

Overview Product RT PCR DTLite DNA Technology

DTlite real-time PCR instrument is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of DNA and RNA targets. It is an optimum choice for diagnostic laboratories with small or medium throughput workflow. The device can be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis in the fields of:

  • Human genetics
  • Gene Expression profiling
  • Pathogen detection, quantification and genotyping
  • Microbiome composition analysis

The software with user-friendly interface, common to all DT real-time PCR instruments, controls the device. Original software lowers the probability of mistakes and is used for sophisticated assays requiring multiple settings application.

Advantages of RT PCR DTLite DNA Technology

  • Tubes Height Measurement system provides “openness” of the instrument to different types of plastic (low and high profile; flat and domed caps; strips, plates).
  • Simultaneous detection of a fluorescent signal in all wells of the matrix provides uniformity of detection and high speed of the instrument.
  • Narrow range filters (cross-talk cut-off function).
  • No “edge effect” – the thermo-block moving and positioning system ensures its movement in the horizontal and vertical positions, which guarantees complete isolation of the reaction tubes from the influence of environmental factors such as light penetration into the optical path and temperature non-uniformity between the edge rows of the matrix and its central part.
  • The hot lid module provides reliable heat contact between tubes and the thermal block plate maintaining temperature of the tube caps at the level of 105±1°С in order to prevent condensate formation on the tube caps, since it may cause substantial distortions in the luminous flux measurements.
  • Data protection system provides stable and safe operation of the instrument in the event of an unstable power supply. All parameters of the current run are recorded in the instrument’s own memory.
  • The software has a plenty of settings allowing advanced users to obtain specific data and finely tune instrument for a given task;
  • Automated filling template in case of usage DNA-Technology PCR kits.
  • Can be integrated into laboratory information systems (LIS) to store data in standard graphic and text formats.
  • Ability to control multiple instruments from a single control computer increases lab productivity and allows you to simultaneously conduct a wide range of PCR tests using kits with different amplification programs.
  • The narrow body and compact design allow you to place several instruments in a small area.

Detail Specifications of RT PCR DTLite DNA Technology

General Characteristics DTlite
DTlite 4S1 DTlite 5S1
Hot lid 105°С±1°С
Adjustable height of the tubes
Autonomous operation mode (without using a control computer)
Protection against mains voltage failures (automatic restart of the amplification program)
Pre-calibration of the device
No need for additional calibrations
Warranty period (24 months)
Post-warranty service
Line voltage 100-240 W
Power consumption max 550 W
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Size 210 × 480 × 310 mm
Mass 17 kg


Thermal unit characteristics DTlite
DTlite 4S1 DTlite 5S1
Thermal block plate format
Aluminum matrix
Heating and cooling method with 6 Peltier thermoelectric elements
Forced cooling and heating of matrix
No «edge effect»
Number of wells in thermal block 48 48
Volume of reaction mixture (allowable), mcl 10 – 100 10 – 100
Volume of reaction mixture (recommended), mcl Oct-50 Oct-50
Consumables type (separate tubes, stripes, microplates) 0,2 ml 0,2 ml
Isolated pseudo blocks monoblock monoblock
Independent temperature control of pseudo blocks with time-synchronous profile ­- ­-
Temperature gradient between pseudo blocks with independent control, °С ­-
Thermal block temperature range 0-100°С
Temperature accuracy ±0,2°С
Temperature uniformity ±0,15°С
Maximum heating rate of thermal unit, °С/sec 3,5 3,5
Maximum cooling rate of thermal unit, °С/sec 2,5 2,5
Average heating rate, °С/sec 3,3 3,3
Average cooling rate, °С/sec 2,1 2,1
Temperature increment (discreteness 0,1 sec)
Time increment (discreteness 0,1 sec)


General characteristics of optical system DTlite
DTlite 4S1 DTlite 5S1
Excitation source – LED
Number of excitation sources 4 5
Spectral range, nm 470 470
530 530
580 580
630 630
CCD camera
CCD matrix
Number of fluorescence measuring channels 4 5
Detection for each channel, nm 515 515
560 560
620 620
660 660
Simultaneous signal detection in each well
Light filters (absolute isolation of the optical channel from external light)
Eliminated cross-channel effect
Scanning time for all channels is no more than 20 sec.
“Threshold” level of fluorescence 0,05х10Е-12М
Calibrated dyes (per channel) Fam Fam
Hex Hex
Rox Rox
Су5 Су5
Compatibility with other fluorophores:
Fam – SybrGreen
Hex – VIC, R6G
No calibrators / need to calibrate
Dynamic range 9 lg
Melting curves analysis
Absolute and relative quantitative analysis


Software DTlite
DTlite 4S1 DTlite 5S1
USB-devices connection
Computer interface (USB 2.0 high speed)
Integration to LIS
Results export as .xml, .txt
Operating system: Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10, Windows® XP, Windows®Vista

Sumber informasi produk didapat dari website principle langsung pada tautan berikut : dnatechnology

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