Dibawah ini adalah informasi produk dari PorcineTrace Real-time PCR Kits. Untuk diskusi produk bisa menghubungi kontak PT. Andaru Persada Mandiri via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679.

PorcineTrace Real-time PCR Kits are duplex PCR kits that are optimized to perform amplification of porcine DNA with internal control included in a single reaction through FAM and VIC/HEC channel.
Key Feature PorcineTrace Real-time PCR Kits
- Detection of porcine specific DNA based on duplex qPCR assay
- DNA Extraction Kit is available (optional)
- Internal control (universal vertebrate gene) is included
- 100% specificity & sensitivity
- Manufactured in accordance to ISO9001: 2015
Ordering Information PorcineTrace Real-time PCR Kits
User of PorcineTrace Real-time PCR Kits
- Halal Certification Bodies
- Halal Auditors
- Food/Food Ingredients Manufacturer
- Food Testing & QC Laboratories
- Food Traders
- Pharmaceutical & Cosmetic Industries
- Logistic Industries
- Researchers/ NGOs
Overview Product PorcineTrace Real-time PCR Kits
“Halal” is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permissible in accordance to Islamic law. Halalan toyyiban food means any food which is not harmful and safe to be consumed as underlined by the Syariah law. Food safety is one of the key determinants in assuring halalan toyyibban which resembles wholesome (safe, clean, nutritious, quality) aspects of the food. Besides being free from forbidden ingredients such as pork and alcohol, food must be healthy, nutritious and of good quality for compliance to halalan toyyiban.
With the increasing population of Muslim population which is currently accounts for quarter of world’s population, the capability to offer safe and wholesome food is a global concern. Most consumers are unaware that animal-by-products and harmful ingredients are used by foodmanufacturers as additives and ingredients. The demand for reliable Halal food analysis has been emerging among consumers, manufacturers, certification bodies and regulators to help ensuring every aspect of food, including ingredients, processing and handling is in accordance to Halal requirement.
Porcine Detection up to Ingredient Level
PorcineTrace Detection Kit product line comprises full-fledged products covering rapid test kits, ELISA kits, PCR kits and real-time PCR kits with different specification of detection limits and assay time to meet different requirement of end-users to access Halal food integrity for different matrices including raw meat, processed meat/ canned food, gelatin, fat/oil, blood and blood derivatives as well as surface swab.We are committed to provide latest technologies and reliable testing solution with improved efficiency in assessment of Halal food integrity. All testing kits from ProcineTrace product line are validated by ISO17025 accredited laboratory, to ensure the highest level of quality standards are met from batch to batch.
Other Product For Halal Detection Kit
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