HB Elisa SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Detection Kit

Produk neutralizing antibody detection kit yang cocok untuk digunakan pengujian antibody pasca vaksinasi adalah HB Elisa SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Detection Kit dari brand HB Healtcare Corp. Produk ini memiliki nilai akurasi yang tinggi, cepat dan mudah digunakan.Reagen neutralizing antibody ini juga sudah terdaftar di KEMENKES dan memiliki nomor izin edar alat kesehatan. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan produk neutralizing antibody detection kit bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Persada Mandiri via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679.

produk hbelisa antobody detection kit brand hb healthcare corp

Berikut adalah informasi Produk HBelisa™ SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Detection Kit yang bisa anda pelajari :

Overview Product HB Elisa Neutralizing Antibody Detection Kit

The Hb Elisa™ SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Detection Kit measures neutralizing antibodies in patients recovering from COVID-19 or in vaccinated patients.


HB Elisa SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Detection Kit protocol cuts your hands-on time. The whole process only takes 2 hours, so you can quickly get the results you need.

  • Step 1. Sample (1/10 dilution) (30min)
  • Step 2. ACE2 biotin conjugate (30min)
  • Step 3. Streptavidin-HRP (15min)
  • Step 4. TMB

Measure the absorbance of color changes to measure SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies in the sample.
The results are evaluated by calculating the ratio of the OD values of the control group or patient sample to the OD values of the Calibrator.


Ratio Result Test Result
≥ 0.8 Negative Neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 are not detected
< 0.8 Positive Neutralizing antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 are detected

Product Composition

Components Part# Quantity Storage
RBD Coated Microplate EK001-01 1 plate 2-8°C
Calibrator, Ready-to-use EK001-02 1 vial 2-8°C
Positive Control, Ready-to-use EK001-03 1 vial 2-8°C
Negative Control, Ready-to-use EK001-04 1 vial 2-8°C
100x Detector (ACE2-biotin) EK001-05 1 vial 2-8°C
100x SA-HRP EK001-06 1 vial 2-8°C
3x Assay buffer EK001-07 1 bottle 2-8°C
20x Wash buffer EK000-01 1 bottle 2-8°C
TMB Solution EK000-02 1 bottle 2-8°C
Stop Solution EK000-03 1 bottle 2-8°C
Plate Covers EK000-04 2 ea

Nomor Izin Edar Alat Kesehatan HB Elisa Neutralizing Antibody


Demikian informasi produk HB Elisa SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Antibody Detection Kit Bagi anda yang membutuhkan diskusi cepat produk ini bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Persada Mandiri via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679. Link alamat kami sertakan pada Google Maps.

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