Analytical Balance M124Ai

A Top Quality series of Analytical Balances that combine elegance with highly reliable measuring performance. Double case structure, ergonomic keypad, external or internal calibration.
Many embedded advanced features make them perfect for use in laboratory, research departments, formulation and quality control applications.

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Capacity: 120g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 160g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 220g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 250g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 120g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 160g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 220g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 220g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 250g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 250g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0003g

Capacity: 310g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0004g

Capacity: 310g

Repeatibility: 0,1mg

Linearity: ± 0,0004g

BIO1 series of biological Microscopes represent the best choice to enter into the world of Microscopy. Infact these biological microscopes can reach magnifications up to 1000x. They have coaxial focus knobs, stage with sample-holder and Abbe condenser.

BIO2 series is an innovative line of biological microscope with refined style and with an optical system suitable for most laboratory microscopy applications.
In fact these biological microscopes mount as standard a Koehler illuminator, widefield eyepieces, 5 places inward tilt nosepiece, halogen bulb or LED.

SOLARIS series biological microscopes combine experience and design in one solution. These biological microscopes mount Plan-achromatic objectives, Koehler illuminator, Extra Widefield eyepieces, quintuple inward tilt nosepiece, a high intensity warm white LED to get very reliable colors or 30W halogen lamp for maximum intensity.

Inverted biological Microscope INV100 is the optimal choice for microBiology and Biology. Infinity corrected Plan-achromatic objectives deliver always excellent and contrasted images, the 10x/22 eyepieces allow exploring of a wide area of the specimen, while the high working distance of the condenser allows a comfortable and practical use.

STMPRO series include professional Stereo Zoom microscopes, suitable for many applications in Industry and Laboratory field. A wide choice of accessories such as, for example, additional objectives, eyepieces, XY translators, LED and fiber optics illuminators, universal stands, make this series of microscopes professional tools for every type of observation.

STMDLX StereoZoom Microscopes are the top choice when looking for an instrument that can afford optimal observations both in the laboratory and in the industry field.

STM800 StereoZoom Microscopes are the professional choice when looking for a stereo microscope with research grade performance for best observations both in the laboratory and in the industry field.

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