Hollow Cathode Lamps (Single Element) – P800C Series

Photron’s P800C Series for Agilent / GBC Scientific / Varian AAS Instruments compatible with 37mm or 1.5″ base 4 Pin Octal Base, Coded Hollow Cathode Lamps including AAS models such as Agilent 240 AA, 240FS AA, 240Z AA, 280FS AA, 280Z AA, 55B AA, AA Duo, AA3000, AA1275, AA1475, AA275, AA400, AA475, AA775, AA875, AA975 and all GBC Scientific SpectrAA AA’s.

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Photron’s P800 Series for all AAS compatible with 37mm or 1.5″ base 2 Pin Octal Base Hollow Cathode Lamps including AAS Instruments by Varian, Agilent, GBC Scientific, Analytic Jena, Thermo & Unicam.

Photron’s P800C Series for Agilent / GBC Scientific / Varian AAS Instruments compatible with 37mm or 1.5″ base 4 Pin Octal Base, Coded Hollow Cathode Lamps including AAS models such as Agilent 240 AA, 240FS AA, 240Z AA, 280FS AA, 280Z AA, 55B AA, AA Duo, AA3000, AA1275, AA1475, AA275, AA400, AA475, AA775, AA875, AA975 and all GBC Scientific SpectrAA AA’s.

Photron’s P800C Series for Agilent / GBC Scientific / Varian AAS Instruments compatible with 37mm or 1.5″ base 7 Pin Octal Base, Coded Hollow Cathode Lamps including AAS models such as 3300 AAS, 3400 AAS, 3500 AAS, ICE 3300, ICE 3400, ICE 3500.

Photron’s P900 Series for Perkin Elmer AAS Instruments compatible with 51mm or 2″ base 9 Pin, Non-Coded Hollow Cathode Lamps which are designed to suit older Perkin Elmer AAS instruments. If you require lamps to suit Perkin Elmer Instruments that support coding.

Photron’s P900C Series for Perkin Elmer AAS Instruments compatible with 51mm or 2″ base, 12 Pin Plug, Coded Hollow Cathode Lamps which are designed to suit newer Perkin Elmer AAS instruments including SIMAA6000, 5100(PC), 4110ZL, 4100, 4100ZL, 3300, 2100, 1100(B).

Photron’s P900LL Series for Perkin Elmer AAS Instruments compatible with 51mm or 2″ base, 4 Pin Cableless, Coded Hollow Cathode Lamps which are designed to suit Perkin Elmer AAS instruments including PinAAcle 500, PinAAcle 900, AAnalyst 200, AAnalyst 400 AAnalyst 100, AAnalyst 300, AAnalyst 600, AAnalyst 700 and AAnalyst 800 .

Applications – UV-Visible Spectroscopty, Spectrofluorimetry UV detectors attached to HPLC instruments, Colorimetry, Refractometry and as a non-atomic source for background correction in Atomic Absorbtion Spectroscopy.

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