
When your requirements demand more functionality or you want room to upgrade, the SCION 456 easily meets your need. Supporting three injector and four detector positions (including the mass spectrometer) with full independent access, no other GC system provides this capability.

Scion 456 GC is the platform for over 50 different configured analyzers for petroleum, petrochemical, and specialty gas application.  A staff of highly experienced chromatographers can assist you to build a special analyzer to meet any application need.

The perfect GC for many applications that saves space without compromise on functionality and performance. Capacity for 3 injectors , 3 GC detectors plus a mass spectrometer makes the SCION 456 a perfect match for you analyses. A 9 inch touchpad provides direct access to all GC functions and basic tuning.

  • Compact footprint
  • Fast ramping oven (170°C/minute)
  • Flexible 2 channel architecture
  • 2 Injectors, 1 Detectors + MS
  • Ultimate flexibility/configurability.
  • Large capacity, fast ramping oven (150°C/minute)
  • Capacity: 3 Injectors, 3 Detectors + MS.
  • Full Electronic Flow Control (EFC), up to 21 channels at 0.001psi resolution.
  • Innovative lens-free ion path delivers simplifies tuning
  • Off axis source and detector increase sensitivity
  • Active focusing Q0
  • Dual filament source increases uptime
  • Compound-based scanning software
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