Sebuah Mesin untuk analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif target DNA dan RNA yang ideal untuk digunakan di laboratorium adalah RT-PCR Baicare. RT PCR Baicare ini adalah pilihan yang sangat tepat untuk di laboratorium. Instrumen ini bisa diandalkan dalam proses melihat kualitas dan kuantitas DNA dan RNA. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan diskusi cepat produk ini bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Persada Mandiri via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679.
Berikut adalah informasi Produk RT PCR Baicare yang bisa anda pelajari :
Overview Product
Baicare Ultrafast QPCR Detection system FQ-8A adopts “real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR technology” combined with “real-time dynamic temperature control technology”, which can be used in various fluorescent quantitative PCR detection projects to achieve rapid nucleic acid detection. With powerful functions and flexible operation, PCR amplification and detection experiments of DNA and RNA can be completed in a compact and portable environment. With the anti-pollution open lid design, Baicare Ultrafast QPCR detection system provides a easy, fast and safe experimental operation. Combine with the efficient PCR Detection Kit and Neuclec Acid Releaser, Baicare provides the complete solution for SARS-CoV-2 Testing and other projects.
- Out-patient
- Community hospitals
- Fever clinic
- Centers for Disease Control
- Food safety
- Customs airport
- On-site emergency testing
- Sample throughput:8
- Reaction volume: 15-25ul -
- Weight:3.2kg(3.8kg including power adapter)
- Dimension: 25cm*19cm*12cm
- Degree of automation:Fully automatic PCR amplification and result print
- Excitation light source:4 sing-color high-efficiency LEDs
- Detection device:Silicon photomultiplier tube
- Excitation wavelength:455-650nm/510-715nm
- Detection mode:Real-time scanning
- Number of fluorescence channels:4 channels
- Supported fluorescence dye: FAM VIC/HEX/TET/JOE ROX/Texas Red CY5
- Maximum temperature change speed:8℃/sec
- Temperature accuracy:±0.3℃
- Sensitivity:Able to detect in lowest 200 copies/ml
Demikian informasi produk RT PCR Baicare. Bagi anda yang membutuhkan diskusi cepat produk ini bisa menghubungi contact PT. Andaru Persada Mandiri via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679. Link alamat kami sertakan pada Google Maps.