Rephile adalah sebuah brand alat laboratorium yang berfokus pada instrumen water purification system. Produk water purification system Rephile sudah bersertifikat CE/RoHS dan memenuhi persyaratan GMP, GSP, GAP, GCP, GLP.
Jiaxing, China
Focus Product
Water Purification System
Special Product
Water Purification System
Genie U Ultrapure & RO Lab Water System produces ultrapure water (Type I water) and RO water from tap water directly. It offers desired solutions for research professionals who work with varieties of applications utilizing Type I ultrapure and RO pure water in the lab.
Genie PURIST ultrapure water system produces Type I ultrapure water from RO, distilled or deionized water and it is designed for critical laboratory applications, offering desired solutions for research professionals who work with varieties of applications utilizing Type I ultrapure water in the lab.
Genie E EDI Pure Water System produces EDI water (Type II water) from tap water directly. Resistivity of the product water is above 5 MΩ•cm at 25 ℃, which meets or exceeds Type II water quality as defined by ASTM, CAP, CLSI and ISO 3696 / BS 3997 and also complies with the purified water requirements from the European and U.S. Pharmacopoeia.
NuZar water system set, U24 produces ultrapure water (Type I water) and RO water from tap water directly. Quality of ultrapure water meets or exceeds ASTM, CLSI, CAP, and ISO Type I water standards.
NuZar water system set, Q produces ultrapure water (Type I water) from RO, distilled or deionized water. Quality of ultrapure water meets or exceeds ASTM, CLSI, CAP, and ISO Type I water standards.
NuZar water system set, H24 produces DI water (Type II water) from tap water directly. The water quality meets or exceeds Type II water quality as defined by ASTM, CAP, CLSI and ISO 3696 / BS 3997 and also complies with the purified water requirements from the European and U.S. Pharmacopoeia.
NuZar water system set, C24 produces pure water (CLRW water) from tap water directly. The product water quality fulfills the critical needs within the clinical laboratory, in compliance with CLSI Clinical Laboratory Reagent Water (CLRW) quantitative specifications.
NuZar water system set, R24 produces reverse osmosis (RO) water from tap water directly. It offers desired solutions for research professionals who work with varieties of applications utilizing RO pure water in the lab.
The Super-Genie G Water System is an intelligent combination of thorough understanding of diverse laboratory applications together with decades of hands-on expertise in the most advanced water purification technologies.
The Super-Genie U Water System is specifically designed to produce large volumes of RO water and ultrapure water from tap water. The system is manufactured in an ISO 9001 : 2015 certified manufacturing site and CE marked. Quality of ultrapure water meets or exceeds ASTM, CLSI, CAP, and ISO Type I water standards.
The Super-Genie R Water System is specifically designed to produce large volumes of RO water from tap water. The system is manufactured in an ISO 9001: 2015 certified manufacturing site and CE marked.
Sekilas Tentang Brand Rephile
Rephile Bioscience, Ltd merupakan perusahaan yang mengembangkan dan memproduksi beragam tipe pemurnian air berkualitas tinggi berdasarkan pada kegunaan produk laboratorium bioteknologi dan ilmu hayati. Produk-produk pemurnian dari Rephile termasuk di dalamnya bahan habis pakai, produk berbasis filtrasi, dan pemurnian lainnya. Rephile Bioscience, Ltd bertujuan menyediakan barang berkualitas baik untuk menunjang proses penelitian dengan biaya ekonomis.
Tim Rephile Bioscience, Ltd didukung oleh tenaga ahli dan profesional serta berpengalaman di bidangnya, khususnya dari industri laboratorium dan filtrasi air. Teknologi air Rephile meliputi teknologi canggih dan teknologi Continuous Electro-Deionization (CEDI) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan berbagai laboratorium dan persyaratan produksi: kualitas air produk tinggi untuk memenuhi atau melampaui standar ASTM, CLSI, dan CAP, kinerja stabil, dan dikelola dengan biaya ekonomis.
Rephile Bioscience, Ltd sudah memiliki banyak pelanggan pada perusahaan minuman terkemuka dunia, lembaga sertifikasi pemerintah, laboratorium QC, dan pabrik GMP pada perusahaan farmasi, laboratorium di lembaga penelitian dan universitas, laboratorium rumah sakit, dan instansi pengujian lingkungan. Produk Rephile telah terjual ke hampir 100 negara di seluruh dunia.
Lokasi Head Office
Rephile Bioscience, Ltd memiliki kantor di Cina, AS, Prancis, Yunani, Argentina, Korea, dan Jepang. Kantor pusat berlokasi di Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Produk Rephile
Rephile menyediakan berbagai solusi pemurnian air lab untuk aplikasi ukuran kecil-sedang (produksi air 5-600 liter/jam). Platform teknologi system pemurnian air dari Rephile mencakup continuous electro-deionization (CEDI), kartrid UV, DI, dan teknologi pemurnian lainnya. Rephile Bioscience juga memenuhi kebutuhan alat pendukung dan bahan habis pakai, seperti penggantian katrid dan produk filtrasi. Fokus produk brand Rephile antara lain pada pengembangan:
- Water Purification Systems (system pemurnian air)
- Replacement Consumables (Penggantian bahan habis pakai)
- Filtration Products (produk filtrasi)
Rephile memproduksi dan mengembangkan produk Water Purification System dan tersedia pada beberapa tipe, yaitu Tipe I, Tipe II, dan tipe III/RO water. Tipe produk yang didesain Rephile Bioscience memiliki tingkatan sasaran air murni yang dihasilkan maupun dari sumber air yang akan disaring. Salah satu produk Rephile Bioscience yaitu Genie G Ultrapure & EDI Water System dapat memproduksi air ultra murni (air Tipe I) dan air EDI (air Tipe II) langsung dari air keran.
Mungkin cukup sekilas tentang brand Rephile, mudah-mudahan bermanfaat. Jika saat ini anda sedang membutuhkan alat laboratorium dari brand Rephile silahkan hubungi customer service andaru via whatsapp 087777277740 atau telepon 0251-7504679. Link alamat kami sertakan pada Google Maps.